Dental veneers( also referred to as dental laminates) are wafer-thin porcelain restorations designed to bond to the front of your teeth.
The color of these thin, custom-made shells are interchangeable to mimic natural or even whiter than natural teeth.
Veneers can serve to protect the front surface of teeth in order to prevent gradual erosion which occurs during brushing and food and beverage consumption. They are also ideal for resolving problems such as chipped, discolored, worn, misaligned dentition.
We offer veneers made of two different materials. In our practice they last anywhere from 10-20+ years with adequate dental care.
Feldspathic vs. Ceramic Veneers
Feldspathic Veneers are handcrafted by our ceramicist by a highly specialized layering technique of glass-based powder and liquid materials. They are highly aesthetic and natural looking due to the multi-shaded layers which are designed to mimic your natural teeth.
Ceramic Veneers adhere to the same concept, however, these veneers are slightly thicker than feldspathic veneers and less forgiving in natural light and have a lower aesthetic value than feldspathic veneers. On the other hand they are more affordable.